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Delburn Wind Farm Panel Hearing

The panel hearing for the Delburn Wind Farm is due to begin on Monday 18th October and is scheduled to run for 12 days. The hearing will be held online via Zoom. Everyone who has requested to be heard will have received details from Planning Panels Victoria on when and how to present to the panel.

An independent third at party is hosting the hearing on-line which will operate as a webinar to allow interested members of the community to observe the proceedings. 

We are advised that the panel schedule as well as the zoom link will be published on the Planning Panels website Delburn Wind Farm (planning.vic.gov.au) before the hearing commences on Monday. The Zoom feed will be live from just prior to 10 am each sitting day.

During the hearing process, expert evidence is presented that is intended to assist the panel in making a decision about the application. Each expert to be called on during proceedings must provide an Expert Witness Statement for viewing by all parties prior to the hearing.
